Role figures
The people marked with * are historical figures
The king - Olav Haraldsson - is on his way back to Norway to take back the country he had to escape from two years earlier. To do this, he must take the center of power Trøndelag. He takes the road down Verdalen and arrives at the farm Sul. They decide to rest on the farm on the last night before the battle. There will be a special meeting between the king, his army and the courtiers at Sul.
The farmer on the farm Sul is called Torgeir Flekk. He has had the entire household baptized into Christianity and sympathizes with the king.
Gudrid is the wife of Torgeir Flekk. Several years earlier she gave birth to a deformed child. Gudrid chooses to send the child out into the forest - a so-called outing. This was a great sin according to Olav Haraldsson's law: Christian law. Gudrid is also related to one of the peasant leaders in Inntrøndelag, Torgeir from Kvistad, who is against the king. Gudrid supports the leaders of the peasant army who will not allow themselves to be oppressed in a new royal government.
Gudrun is the daughter of the farm Sul. The harrowing incident with the outing has given her a sensitive mind, and she is frightened and gets goosebumps when people argue and fight. Because her parents often argue, she sticks mostly to Grima and Gamal-Jostein. The old people tell the stories of olden times and teach her pagan songs and games to give Gudrun second thoughts.
Gudrun as the little girl, who sees her mother asking her newborn brother, he Litj-Torgeir, out into the forest.
Jostein and Einar are handsome, young men who want to fight for honor, women and power. They are raised by their father to become good farmers, but they also long to join Olav's army to test their manhood and prove their strength.
Gamal-Jostein is the father of Torgeir Flekk and is a central and respected figure on the farm Sul. Even though he is blind and unable to work, he represents calm and stability in a turbulent time, and is the one whom Gudrun often seeks comfort from. He has little left for the new king, and together with Grima he stands for old times with their roots in the pre-Christian, Norse customs.
Old maid on the farm who takes a lot of care of Gudrun. She has been like a mother to her.
Maid who is Gudrid's right hand on the farm. Gudrid has sent Hallgjerd to look after Gudrun.
TORGEIR FROM KVISTAD (Kvistad farmer) *
Torgeir from Kvistad is married to Gudrid's sister. He has previously been on King Olav's side, but has broken the alliance and now wants to fight with the peasant army against Olav Haraldsson. He tries to persuade his brother-in-law, Torgeir Flekk, to do the same, but fails.
Halle is the son of Kvistadbonden.
Helga is a maid with a good eye for Einar, the son on the farm. She is healthy, cheeky, lust for life and quick-witted.
Kolbrunarskald is an Icelander and a shepherd, a poet who follows King Olav and his army. He comes to Sul as a scout, among other things to see if the farm can be used as a resting place for the army.
Peaceless warrior brothers from Jämtland who come to Sul to offer Olav's help. They are mentioned in Snorre, that they were at the forefront of the royal army after they became Christians.
Swedish skald who is with the Swedish brothers and their people.
Froste is one of Olav's men who is faithful to his king, but who likes to sing and dance when there are willful girls nearby.
Priests, farmhands, journeymen, army men, farmhands and children make up almost 200 extras, and are the ones who hold the play together. There are also six horses in this year's game.