Work with us

Do you want to work at Stiklestad National Cultural Centre?
or Scandic Stiklestad?

Would you like to become one of us?
We will publish vacancies below, so stay updated here and follow our digital channels.

Vacancy as production manager

Our production manager is moving to another position with us and we are looking for her successor.

Main tasks will be production management of the Play about St. Olav and the Olsokdagene at Stiklestad. Throughout the year there will also be production management of smaller events under the auspices of SNK and contact follow-up with external tenants and organizers.

Would you like to work with us?

More information can be found here: VACANCY

Our popular restaurant needs more pleasant employees

There is a lot going on with us all year round, and there is a continuous need for more serving help in Restaurant Skalden. Do you have some time to spare?

We would love to hear from you!
Send an email to Restaurant Manager Marcus Andreas Gressetvold,